2024 TNRL Schedule: |
What is Tuesday Night Race League?
-Tuesday Night Race League (TNRL) is a unofficial training race for area paddlers to get together once a week at 6 P.M. for a time trial style race. Allows participants race like practice to better deal with wave riding and fine tuning equipment. -We will have a rotating schedule again this summer between Roscommon's South Branch, Houghton Lake's Muskegon River, and Grayling's Ausable River. -Paddlers that participate each week with have their names entered into a drawing for a new ZRE paddle donated by Skye High Gymnastic Center. |
2024 Rosco Aluminum Canoe Races:
2022 Aluminum Canoe Race Results
Congratulations to Scott Sturgeon & Tony Medina on winning the Business Aluminum Canoe Race!